Class Levels

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Kuchipudi Beginners Clasess

Beginners Level -1

1) Basic exercises of Kuchipudi for Angashuddi(Body Conditioning)- includes stretches, squats, sit-ups, breathing technique and so on.

Body training is extremely important in physical art forms. This not only enhances a dancer’s posture (Soushtavam) and stamina, but it also promotes brain and body synchronization.

2) Devata Stuthi and Natyarambha Slokas – Sanskrit verses that incorporate the prayer as well as regulations for their stance and limb positioning.

Indian classical dance incorporates music, dance, and literature. It is essential to learn the literature along with body movement. This will help the learner understand the meaning of the song and become one with it.

3) Namaskara Vidhanam- we perform salutations to the God, teacher, mother earth before starting and after the dance.

4) Pada Bheda – These are the basic foot actions. Learn the sloka and practical demonstration.

The two main treatises that we follow to learn the basic technique of body movements and the expression are Natyashastra and Abhinaya Darpana.   

5) First set of Adavus (steps)

These are the basic steps of Kuchipudi dance with in the most common rhythm pattern of ta-ka-dhi-mi (one beat for one count). They belong to Chaturasra Jati (4 -beat pattern)

6) Hasta Bheda- Hand gestures.

There are Asamyutha Hastas( Single hand gestures) and Samyutha Hasta( two- hand gestures). In this level single hand gestures are taught along with sloka from Abhinaya Darpanam

Beginners Level -2

1) Second set of Adavus (Steps)

Students are introduces to Pancha Jatis (Tisra, Khanda, Misra and Sankeerna along with few more varieties of Chaturasra steps.

2) Hasta Bheda – Samyutha Hasta – double hand gestures from Abhinaya Darpanam

3) Pancha Jaati and Sapta Taala – The five types of Jaatis and seven types of talas.

 4) Slokas pertaining to dance – Nritta, Nritya, Natya, Lasya, Tandava, Sabhavandana from Natyasastra.

 5) Natyothpatti – Origin of Dance.

Beginners Level -3

1) Teermanams – In 5 jatis Chaturasram, Tisram, Khandam, Misram and Sankeernam.

2) Karanangahara- Chaturasra Jaati Jatis.

3) Performing Adi Talam for Jatis.

 4) Natyasastra Samyutha and Asamyutha Hastas with Slokas.

 5) Vinayaka Kautvam.

Beginners Level -4

–>Revision of all Steps and Jatis

1) Tisra, Khanda, Misra and Sankeerna Jatis.

2) Drishti, Siro, Greeva, Bhru Bhedas – Eye, Head, Neck, Eyebrow movements with slokas.

3) Ganapathy Kautvam – Is a hymn, sung in the praise of Lord Ganapathy.

4) Talam to Tisra, khanda, Misra Jaathi patterns.

 5) Indian Classical Dance forms, History of Kuchipudi and Siddhendra Yogi.


Kuchipudi Intermediate Clasess  

Revision of all Slokas and gestures.

From this level the students will be taught multiple dance pieces which includes :

1) Brahmanjali

2) Jatiswaram

3) Sabdams

4) Kirtanas

5) Tillanas

Theory : Rasa theory, Bhava, History of Kuchipudi and Prominent gurus ,Life history of Vaggeyakaras, Devatha Hastas, Bandhavya Hasta, Chaturvarna Hastas and Nritta Hastas, Chaturvidhabhinaya and more.


Kuchipudi Advance Classes

This level has more intricate dance pieces and dancing on the brass plate :

1) Tarangam

2) Daruvu

3) Jayadeva Ashtapadis

4) Padams

5) Javalis

6) Tillanas

7) Sabdams

8) Kirtanas

Theory : Nayaka and Nayika Prakarana, Astavidha Nayika Avasthas, Charis, Mandala , Sthanaka and more.

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